Rochester Rec. & Senior Center
Rochester, MN
USAquatics, Inc. worked directly with the architect and local Swim Clubs on this project. The existing 50M 8 – lane pool did not meet requirements to host sanctioned events. Efforts were made to minimize demolition while still allowing for proper depths and the addition of two moveable bulkheads which will make for easy adjustment of swim courses.
As an additional part of the project a 25 yard x 30 foot 4 – lane warm-up pool was added. The warm-up pool design includes a zero-depth ramped entry and walk out stairs.
A green-friendly design was created using regenerative media filtration in place of standard sand media filtration. The design also incorporates premium efficient motors with variable frequency drives and web-based chemical controllers.
The construction documents and specifications were completed and the project has since gone bid on 03/17/2015. Results of the bid are not yet available.