The City of Hutchinson and USAquatics, Inc. was featured in the October/November 2017 issue of World Waterpark - The Official Magazine of the World Waterpark Association and our involvement on The Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center. USAquatics, Inc. was involved in the Development, Design and Consulting for The Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center, including gathering data, setting up budgets and designing the entire aquatic center. Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center spans 34,000 square feet, can accommodate 730 swimmers at once and features zero-depth entry with spray play features, zip-line, climbing wall, leisure river, and much more.
"The Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center finishes up its first season with plenty to celebrate and with new ideas on how to continue growing in the future."
Schroeder, Maggie "Something Exciting For Everyone!" World Waterpark - The Official Magazine of the World Waterpark Association 2017
Since its grand opening on June 3rd, 2017, The Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center in Hutchinson, MN has had a great season with hosting introductory swim lesson classes, offering a variety eco-friendly and healthy options at their concession stand and incorporating green environments in their plant choices and filter system. With the season now closed, they are already making plans to improve in the 2018 season with more fitness classes, and special swim times for younger and older patrons.
Click Here to read the full article. Check out this month and upcoming issues for "World Waterpark Magazine" Here.
Check out Hutchinson Family Aquatic Center Here.